Counselling for Seniors

Loneliness, fear of death, concern about sickness, lack of respect, coping with strong feelings, negative and kpossitive,  assertiveness, and need for social life are  just some of the issues mindfulness and counselling can help with. Phone or text if you want to know more.

Though I have studied and trained in many ways, I remain open to learning and growth. I am still keen as a senior to learn new ways and share them with others. Much of the anxiety often associated with senior years can be ameliorated by basic understanding and practices, and the warmth and empathy of a colleague. 

The chance to mourn adequately, to express needs assertively, to manage infirmity,express fears, to soften the edges of bitterness and resentment, and continue to embrace hope for the future are some of the issues which I help colleagues to cradle in awareness and calm. 

You can have as few or as many sessions as you want and need, whether in mindfulness or in the context of the many resources I offer, such as enacting  past scenes, or rehearsing behaviour that you wish to change.

Phone and talk over your needs,or email or text to make a first contact. You are welcome.